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Theatre Of War 2: Africa 1943 - Centauro

Theatre Of War 2: Africa 1943 - Centauro

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Képernyőkép erről: Theatre Of War 2: Africa 1943 - Centauro
Képernyőkép erről: Theatre Of War 2: Africa 1943 - Centauro
Képernyőkép erről: Theatre Of War 2: Africa 1943 - Centauro
Képernyőkép erről: Theatre Of War 2: Africa 1943 - Centauro

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Friss verzió
Licensz Fizetős
Főkategória Játékok
Alkategória Akció
Utolsó frissítés
Megosztás 0
Letöltés 500+
Vélemény 0


A new expansion pack for the critically acclaimed Theatre of War 2: Africa 1943, the tactical World War II title. The new expansion pack, Theatre of War 2 – Centauro is dedicated to the 131st Armored Division Centauro and the battles it took part in North Africa starting from December 1942 till mid-May 1943. The 131st Armored Division Centauro (in Italian: 131ª Divisione Corazzata "Centauro") was an armored division of the Italian Army during World War II. The pack features a new campaign and covers missions from rearguard actions near El Ageyla in Libya to the battles in Tunisia. New desert and mountain landscapes of North Africa will be available on ten new maps accurately reconstructed according to historical documents. There will also be ten new missions based on real battles in Tunisia allowing would-be Generals to command counterattacks, breakthroughs, flanking manuevers, hardened defenses and stealthy ambushes. Ten new military vehicles will also make their debut in this expansion including the Semovente M40 tank destroyer, the Carro Armato M13/40 medium tank, the Autoblinda AB 40 armored car, and many more.
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