Play as Franklin Fargo, a quiet physics professor who has led a bitter existence ever since his fiancée died in a holdup in which he was supposed to be the victim. One morning, he wakes up in the middle of an abandoned scientific facility. His only link with the outside world is a voice that calls him "Subject 13".
- Op. rendszer: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8
- Processzor: Processor Intel dual core 2 duo 2.2 Ghz or AMD equivalent
- Memória: 2 GB RAM
- Grafika: 3D Graphic card with 256 Mo (NVIDIA GeForce 8800GT or higher)
- DirectX: Verzió: 9.0c
- Op. rendszer: Windows 8
- Processzor: Processor Intel i7 3 Ghz
- Memória: 4 GB RAM
- Grafika: 3D Graphic card 2 Go like GeForce GTX 560 or higher
- DirectX: Verzió: 11